Sziijjaa Beya oldalán..:))
Sziijjaa Beya oldalán..:))

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Elfelejtettem a jelszót

LoVe YOU :)



♥ szeretlek

Na és máshol hogy mondják? :)


Language "I Love You" Translation
Afrikaans Ek het jou lief
Afrikaans Ek is lief vir jou
Akan (Ghana) Me do wo
Amharic Ene ewedechalu (for ladies)
Amharic Ene ewedehalwe (for men)
Arabic Ana Ahebak (to a male)
Arabic Ana Ahebek (to a female)
Arabic(Formal) Ooheboki (to a female)
Arabic(Formal) Oooheboka (to a male)
Arabic Ib'n hebbak
Arabic Ana Ba-heb-bak
Arabic Nhebuk
Bari ( A Sudanese Language) Nan nyanyar do ( I love you)
Bari Nan nyanyar do parik (I love you very much )
Berber Lakh tirikh
Creole Mon kontan ou
Ga misumo bo
Hausa Ina sonki
Hausa Ina kau narki (to female)
Hausa Ina kau narka (to male)
Kikuyu Nigwedete
Kisii Ninguanchete
Lingala Nalingi yo
Luganda nkwagala nyo
Luo Aheri
Malagasy (Madagascar) tiako ianao
Ndebele Ngiyakuthanda
Oshiwambo Ondi ku hole
Otjiherero Mbe ku suvera
Punu ni u rondi
Shona Ndinokuda
Sotho Kegorata
Setswana Ka gorata
Swahili Nakupenda
Thamazigh nekki hemlagh (from a woman to a man)
Thamazigh nekki hemlaghkem (from a man to a woman)
Tigrinia E fatuwaki
Tunisian Ha eh bak
Wolof Dama la nob
Wolof Dama nob danga
Wolof Nob naa la
Xhosa ndiyakuthanda
Yoruba Mo ni ife re
Zazi Ezhele hezdege
Zulu Mena Tanda Wena
Zulu Ngiyakuthanda!
Language "I Love You" Translation
Arabic Ana Behibak (to a male)
Arabic Ana Behibek (to a female)
Arabic Ib'n hebbak
Arabic Ana Ba-heb-bak
Arabic Nhebuk
Arabic (formal) Ooheboki (to a female)
Arabic (formal) Ooheboka (to a male)
Assamese Moi tomak bhal pau
Azerbaijani Men seni sevirem
Batak Holong rohangku di ho
Bengali Ami tomay bhalobashi
Bengali Ami tomake bhalobashi
Bicol Namumutan ta ka
Bisaya (Filipino dialect) Gihigugma ta ka
Burmese chit pa de
Cambodian Bong salang oun
Cambodian kh_nhaum soro_lahn nhee_ah
Cantonese Ngo Oi Lei
Cebuano Gihigugma ko ikaw
Chinese wo aì ni
Farsi Tora dust midaram
Farsi (Persian) Asheghet Hastam (romantic)
Farsi (Persian) Dooset Daram (parent to child)
Filipino Mahal Kita
Filipino Iniibig Kita
Gujarati Hoon tane prem karun chuun
Hindi main tumse pyar karta hoon (guy)
Hindi main tumse pyar karti hoon (girl)
Hindi (Kannada) Naanu ninnannu premisuththene
Hmong Kuv Hlub Koj
Hokkien Wa ai lu
Illonggo(Filipino dialect) palangga ta ka
Ilocano (Filipino dialect) Ay aya tenka
Indonesian Saja kasih saudari
Indonesian Saya Cinta Kamu
Indonesian Saya cinta padamu
Indonesian Aku cinta padamu
Japanese Kimi o aishiteru (male to female)
Japanese Aishiteru
Japanese Ora omee no koto ga suki da (Northeastern dialetct)
Japanese Ore wa omae ga suki da (Male to Female)
Japanese Suitonnen (Western dialect)
Japanese Sukiyanen (Western dialect)
Japanese Sukiyo (Female to Male)
Japanese Suki desu (used at 1st time, like for a start, when you are not yet real lovers)
Javanese (Indonesian dialect) aku tresno marang sliromu
Javanese (Indonesian dialect) kulo tresno marang sampean
Javanese (Indonesian dialect) Kulo tresno kaleH panjenengan.
Kachiy anw toke pyaar karati
Kachiy anw toke bowaj gurati
Kapampangan (Filipino dialect) kaluguran da ka
Korean Nooreul sarang hae (casual relation)
Korean Tangshin-i cho-a-yo (i like you, in a romantic way)
Korean Jeonun Dangshinul Sarang Hapnida
Korean Jeonun Dangshinul Mucheok Joahapnida
Korean Nanun Niga Joa
Korean Nanun Neoreul Saranghe
Korean Nanun Neoreul Saranghanda
Korean Neoreul Hjanghan Naemaeum Alji
Lao Khoi huk chau
Luo Aheri
Maduranese (Indonesian dialect) sengko' tero ka be'na
Malay Saya Cinta Mu (pronounced: Saya Chinta Mu)
Malay Saya sayangkan mu
Malay/Indonesian Saya sayangkan engkau
Malay/Indonesian Saya cintakan awak
Malayalam Njyaan Ninne' Preetikyunnu
Malayalam Njyaan Ninne' Mohikyunnu
Malayalam Ngan Ninne Snaehikkunnu
Malaysian Saya Cintamu
Malaysian Saya Sayangmu
Malaysian Saya Cinta Kamu
Malaysian Aku Cinta Padamu
Mandarin Wo Ai Ni
Marathi me tujhashi prem karto (male to female)
Marathi me tujhashi prem karte (female to male)
Marathi Mi tuzya var prem karato
Mienh Yie hum may
Mongolian bi chamd hairtai
Nepali Ma timilai maya garchu, Ma timilai man parauchu
Persian Tora dost daram
Persian Ashegetam
Punjabi Mai taunu pyar karda
Punjabi Main Tainu Pyar Karna
Sinhalese Mama oyata adarei
Sudanese (Indonesian dialect) Abdi bogoH ka anjeun
Tagalog (Filipino dialect) Mahal kita
Tagalog (Filipino dialect) Sinisinta kita
Taiwanese Wah ai ni
Tamil Ni yaanai kaadli karen (You love me)
Tamil n'an unnaik kathalikkinren (I love you)
Tamil Naan unai kathaleakarenn
Telugu Neenu ninnu pra'mistu'nnanu
Telugu/India Nenu Ninnu Premistunnanu
Thai Ch'an Rak Khun
Thai Phom Rak Khun
Urdu Mein tumhay pyar karti hun (woman to man)
Urdu Mein tumhay pyar karta hun (man to woman)
Urdu mujhe aap se mohabbat hai
Uzbek Man seni sevaman
Vietnamese Em ye'u anh (woman to man)
Vietnamese Toi yeu em
Vietnamese Anh ye'u em (man to woman)

Language "I Love You" Translation
Australian I Love you, mate (Ok, they don't say mate)
Chamorru (Guam & northern Mariana Islands) Hu Guiya Hao (pronounced: who gwai-dza how)
Gilbertese (The Republic of Kiribati) itangiriko
Maori (New Zealand) kia hoahai
Pidgin English mi laikim yu
Samoan Oute Alofa Ia Te Oe
Tahitian Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tongan Ofa atu

Language "I Love You" Translation
Eskimo Nagligivaget
Greenlandic Asavakit
Icelandic ég elska þig
Icelandic Mér ţykir vćnt um þig

Language "I Love You" Translation
Cayman I love You
Cayman You conch me out!
Creole (Haiti) mwen renmem'w
Creole (Haiti) mwen damou'w
Dutch Ik hou van jou
Papiamento (Aruba) Mi Ta Stimabo
Papiamentu (Curacao) Mi Stima Bo
Patois (Jamaica) Mi luv yuh
Spanish Te quiero (I really-really care for you)
Spanish Te Amo
French Je t'aime

Language "I Love You" Translation
Albanian Të Dua Shume
Alsacien Ich hoan dich gear
Armenian Yes Kezi Seeroom yem
Armenian kezi shad ge seerem anoushig
Armenian kezi ge sirem
Basc Nere Maitea (basque?)
Bavarian I mog di narrisch gern
Bulgarian ahs te obicham
Catalan T'estim (mallorcan)
Catalan T'estim molt (I love you a lot)
Catalan T'estime (valencian)
Catalan T'estimo (catalonian)
Circassian wise cas
Corsican Ti tengu cara (to female)
Corsican Ti tengu caru (to male)
Croatian Volim te
Czech Miluji te
Czech Miluju Te! (colloquial form)
Danish Jeg elsker dig
Dutch Ik hou van jou
English I Love You
English I adore you
Estonian Mina armastan sind
Estonian Ma armastan sind
Finnish Minä rakastan sinua
Finnish Minä pidän sinusta (friendly)
Flemish Ik zie u graag
Flemish Ik aanbid u
French Je t'aime
French Je t'adore (I adore you)
Friesian Ik hald fan dei
Gaelic Tha gradh agam ort
Georgian me shen mikhvarkhar
German Ich liebe Dich
German (Swiss) Ich liäbä Dich
German Ich hab'dich lieb (friendly)
German Ich bin in dich verknallt (teen slang)
Greek S' agapo
Hebrew Ani ohev otach (male to female)
Hebrew Ani ohev otcha (male to male)
Hebrew Ani ohevet otach (female to female)
Hebrew Ani ohevet otcha (female to male)
Hungarian Szeretlek
Hungarian Szeretlek te'ged
Icelandic ég elska þig
Irish taim i' ngra leat
Italian ti amo
Italian ti voglio bene (friendly)
Italian (Venetian Dialect) Te vogio bén
Latin Te amo
Latin Vos amo
Latin (Ego) amo te (ego, for emphasis)
Latvian Es tevi Milu (s teh-vih me-lu)
Lisbon lingo Gramo-te bue chavala (for girls)
Lisbon lingo Gramo-te bue chavale (for boys)
Lithuanian As Tave Myliu (as ta-ve mee-lyu)
Luxembourgisch Ech hun dëch gäer
Osetian (Ego) amo te (ego, for emphasis)
Macedonian Te sakam
Madrid lingo gramo-te bue', chavalinha
Maltese Inhobbok
Norwegian Jeg elsker deg (pronounced: yei elsker dei)
Norwegian Jeg er glad i deg (to someone you are not married to)
Polish Kocham Cie
Polish Ja cie kocham
Portuguese Eu amo-te
Romanian Te iu besc
Romanian Te Ador
Russian Ya vas lyublyu
Russian Ya tyebya Lyublyu
Russian Ya polyubil tebia (male to female)
Scot Gaelic Tha gra'dh agam ort
Serbian Volim Te
Slovak L'ubim t'a
Slovak Milujem t'a
Slovene Ljubim te
Slovene Rada te imam (female to male, female to female)
Slovene Rad te imam (male to female, male to male)
Spanish Te amo
Spanish Te quiero
Swedish Jag älskar dig
Swiss-German ich liäbä dich
Swiss-German ich ha di gärn
Turkish Seni seviyorum
Tyrolean (Tyrol, Austria) I liab Di
Tyrolean (Tyrol, Austria) I mog Di
Ukrainian ja tebe kokhaju (real true love)
Ukrainian ja vas kokhaju
Ukrainian ja pokokhav tebe
Ukrainian ja pokokhav vas
Upper Austrian (German dialect) Hob di lieb (friendly)
Upper Austrian (German dialect) I steh mas voi af di
Welsh Rwy'n dy garu di
Yiddish Ich libe dich
Yiddish Ich han dich lib

Middle East
Language "I Love You" Translation
Arabic Ana Behibak (to a male)
Arabic Ana Behibek (to a female)
Arabic Ib'n hebbak
Arabic Ana Ba-heb-bak
Arabic Nhebuk
Arabic Ohiboke (male to female)
Arabic Ohiboka (female to male)
Arabic Ohibokoma (male or female to two males or two females)
Arabic Nohiboke (more than one male or female to female)
Arabic Nohiboka (male to male or female to male)
Arabic Nohibokoma (m. to m. or f. to two males or two females)
Arabic Nohibokom (m. to m. or f. to more than two males)
Arabic Nohibokon (m. to m. or f. to more than two females)
Arabic (not standard) Bahibak (female to male)
Arabic (not standard) Bahibek (male to female)
Arabic (not standard) Benhibak (more than one male or female to male)
Arabic (not standard) Benhibek (male to male or female to female)
Arabic (not standard) Benhibkom (m. to m. or female to more than one male)
Assyrian ana bayanookh (female to male)
Assyrian ana bayinakh (male to female)
Assyrian ana bayanakh (female to female)
Assyrian ana byinookh (male to male)
Circassian wise cas
Farsi Dooset Daram
Hebrew Ani ohev otach (male to female)
Hebrew Ani ohev otcha (male to male)
Hebrew Ani ohevet otach (female to female)
Hebrew Ani ohevet otcha (female to male)
Kurdish Ez te hezdikhem
Kurdish Tom hojdeve
Persian Dooset Daram
Persian Ashegetam
Sindhi Maa Tossa Pyaar Kando Aaya (male to female)
Sindhi Maa Tossa Pyaar Kandee Aaya (female to male)
Syrian/Lebanese Bhebbek (to a female)
Syrian/Lebanese Bhebbek (to a male)
Turkish Seni seviyorum
Yiddish Ich libe dich
Yiddish Ich han dich lib

North America
Language "I Love You" Translation
Canadian French Je t'aime
Cheyenne Néméhotâtse
English I love you
English I adore you
Hawaiian Aloha wau i'a oe
Hebrew Ani ohev otach (male to female)
Hebrew Ani ohev otcha (male to male)
Hebrew Ani ohevet otach (female to female)
Hebrew Ani ohevet otcha (female to male)
Hopi Nu' umi unangwa'ta
Mohawk Konoronhkwa
Ojibwe Niin Zaagii Giin
Portuguese Eu te amo
Sioux (Lakota) Techihhila
Spanish Te quiero
Spanish Te Amo
Yiddish Ich libe dich
Yiddish Ich han dich lib
Zuni Tom ho' ichema

Other Translations
Language "I Love You" Translation
Akadian Iaka Lakaovakae Yakaou
Elven Amin sinta lle
Esperanto Mi amas vin
Gibberish idaguy lidaguv yidagoo
Goth Idugi Ludugove Udagu
Guir Kari Bari (guy to girl)
Guir Krai-Brai (girl to guy)
Ishkibibble Ibi Libove Yibou
Klingon qud'end
Klingon qaparha' (depends from where you are in the galaxy)
Lancish I Lovole Youan
Lojban mi do prami
Naguan Mawaca bimcheepee



..:: Chat ::..

saját névvel...mer ugyis rájöwünk ha nem te vagy:)

:)) :) :@ :? :(( :o :D ;) 8o 8p 8) 8| :( :'( ;D :$
Indulás: 2004-11-14
Dj Tiesto (by Qrush)
.: Zene:.

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